I have returned to the MARNET permanent measurement station Darßer Schwelle to test Ocean Bottom Seismometers. This time, K.U.M. (Kieler Umwelt- und Meerestechnik) allowed to test one of their brand new NAMMU systems next to a classic LOBSTER. The question of interest is how the NAMMU's sleak design and much facilitated handling will affect the susceptibility to bottom currents. And given that currents at Darßer Schwelle often exceed 1 m/s (and that the currents are constantly monitored), it seems a perfect testing spot.
A first observation is that the browser interface of the new 6D6 datalogger is nothing less than a revolution in handling of an ocean bottom seismometer.
Deployment of the NAMMU, while its older sibling, a LOBSTER is waiting on the deck. Fun fact: The vessel in the background is Emma Maersk, until recently the largest container ship in the world.